British Tamil Medical Association

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-07 at 18.00.47.jpeg

Our aims:

  • Free clinical education to medical students

  • Support in the admissions process for aspiring medical students

  • Provide advice and mental health support

  • Uniting the British Tamil Medical Community for a brighter future

Uniting the British Tamil Medical Community for a brighter future

The British Tamil Medical Association (BTMA) - est February 2021 - was created with the aim of being the 1st association to unite the British Tamil community together. We are a group of British Tamil medical students all over the UK who volunteer our time to give back to our community

In just 6 months, we have gained well over 2000 followers across social media platforms and collaborated extensively with British Tamil Doctors in various disciplines.

In addition, after a series of competitive applications and interviews we are proud to announce the expansion of our employee network from 7 to 42 members! This six fold increase has enabled us to introduce British Tamil student university representatives at medical schools across the country including Oxford, UCL, Imperial, Kings, Bart's and many more.

Moreover, we have handpicked British Tamil Aspiring Medical Student representatives from sixth form colleges all over the UK. The support of these representatives will be key as the British Tamil Medical Association aims to help younger students this summer with the competitive application process to gain entry into medical school.

We would like to take this moment to thank everyone for their continued support and to mention that we are excited to see what lies ahead for the future of the British Tamil Medical Association.

Upcoming Events

Follow us to stay informed of when new events are planned!

Testimonials & Feedback

Thank you so much for putting this together for us! You guys are honestly amazing and I’m so proud to be able to be a representative of such an amazing association ❤
— Year 13 BTMA Representative
Thank you so much for organising this. The whole team inspired me a lot and made me want to give back to the community.
— Aspiring medical student attending our UCAT webinar
The team dynamic is really nice!
— Aspiring medical student attending our UCAT webinar

Our Sponsors and Partners


Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions.